Establishments that offer golf courses to members will also usually have a clubhouse. These areas allow the golfers to relax before and after their time on the holes. The level of luxury will depend on how much money the club has. Some of them are fairly modest and act mainly as a shelter. Higher profile ones can provide a wide range of amenities. Regardless of the budget practically all of these places can afford to put pictures on the interior walls.

There could be photographs of local tournament winners, maps of the course or even meal menus for the club restaurant. The owner of the club can order the picture frames sold by Gallerix to protect the prints. They come in black, white or metallic finishes. It is worth investing in a high quality frame in order to future proof valuable wall art.

Female Focused Clubhouses

There is sadly a long history of misogyny associated with golf. For many years women were not permitted to play the sport. This is no longer the case. In fact, there are frequent news stories about high performing female golfers. A good example is Ashleigh Buhai, who dominated the 2022 AIG Women’s Open. Clubhouses for women could have wall art featuring these inspiring sports personalities.

Remembering Golfers From The Past

Older golfing establishments can utilise picture frames in order to commemorate members from older generations. This could involve tracking down early photographs and hanging them on the wall. It is a great way to celebrate the history of the golf clubhouse and those who used to frequent it. A good picture frame will also protect the images from getting damaged.

Reading The Local Rules

Each club will have its own regulations which all members need to follow. It is important that these rules are printed out and clearly displayed. Gallerix picture frames will stop them from being exposed to the elements. The border of the frame can also add emphasis to how important they are. As a result the person that reads the rules will be more likely to respect them.

Affordable Frames

As previously stated not all clubhouses will have a lot of money to waste on wall décor. However, the picture frames available from the Gallerix website are very affordable. Pictures can be mounted either vertically or horizontally. The poster will be protected by crystal clear plexiglass.